Why Does Turkey Make You Sleepy?

by Admin

Thanksgiving dinner is a big event in many households, and turkey is often the star of the show. But after the meal, many people feel a strong urge to take a nap. The belief that tryptophan in turkey is the cause of this sleepiness has become widespread, but there’s more to the story.

The Myth of Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid that is found in many different types of food, including turkey. It’s true that tryptophan can help the body produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating sleep. However, there are many other foods that contain tryptophan, such as chicken, beef, cheese, and eggs, but they don’t cause the same level of sleepiness as turkey.

The reason for this is that tryptophan needs to be consumed with carbohydrates in order to have an effect on serotonin levels. Turkey on its own doesn’t contain enough carbohydrates to trigger this reaction, so it’s not the tryptophan in the turkey that’s making you sleepy.

The Role of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the key to understanding why people feel so tired after a big Thanksgiving meal. When you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates, your body releases insulin to help your cells absorb the glucose. This process can cause a drop in blood sugar levels, which can make you feel sleepy.

Many Thanksgiving side dishes are high in carbohydrates, such as mashed potatoes, stuffing, and sweet potato casserole. These foods can cause a spike in insulin levels, followed by a drop in blood sugar levels, which can make you feel tired and lethargic.

The Connection Between Overeating and Sleepiness

Another factor that can contribute to feeling sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner is overeating. When you eat a large meal, your body needs to devote a lot of energy to digesting the food. This can cause a decrease in blood flow to the brain, which can lead to feelings of drowsiness.

In addition, eating a large meal can cause your body to divert blood flow away from other organs, including the muscles. This can make you feel weak and tired, which can contribute to the desire to take a nap.

Other Factors That Contribute to Sleepiness After Thanksgiving Dinner

In addition to the factors discussed above, there are other reasons why people might feel sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. For example, many people consume alcohol during the meal, which can make them feel drowsy. In addition, the stress of preparing and hosting a large meal can also contribute to feelings of fatigue.

How to Avoid Feeling Sleepy After Thanksgiving Dinner

If you want to avoid feeling sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner, there a few things you can do. First, try to avoid overeating by sticking to smaller portions and taking your time during the meal. Second, balance out your meal by including some protein and fiber along with the carbohydrates. This can help to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent a drop in energy. Third, try to avoid consuming too much alcohol, as this can make you feel even more tired. Finally, take a walk or engage in some light exercise after the meal to help stimulate blood flow and increase alertness.


In conclusion, while turkey does contain tryptophan, it’s not the tryptophan that’s making you feel sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. Instead, it’s the combination of high-carbohydrate foods and overeating that contribute to feelings of fatigue. By being mindful of your portions, balancing out your meal, and staying active after the meal, you can enjoy your Thanksgiving feast without feeling tired and lethargic.


  • Is it true that turkey contains tryptophan?
    Yes, turkey does contain tryptophan, but it’s not the tryptophan that’s making you feel sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner.
  • What other foods contain tryptophan?
    Many foods contain tryptophan, including chicken, beef, cheese, and eggs.
  • How can I avoid feeling sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner?
    You can avoid feeling sleepy by being mindful of your portions, balancing out your meal, avoiding alcohol, and staying active after the meal.
  • Is there anything I can eat to counteract the effects of carbohydrates on sleepiness?
    Including some protein and fiber along with the carbohydrates can help to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent a drop in energy.
  • Can stress contribute to feelings of fatigue after Thanksgiving dinner?
    Yes, the stress of preparing and hosting a large meal can contribute to feelings of fatigue.
  • What are some other strategies for preventing post-Thanksgiving dinner fatigue?
    In addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are a few other things you can do. First, try to avoid overeating by sticking to smaller portions and taking your time during the meal. Second, balance out your meal by including some protein and fiber along with the carbohydrates. This can help to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent a drop in energy. Third, try to avoid consuming too much alcohol, as this can make you feel even more tired. Finally, take a walk or engage in some light exercise after the meal to help stimulate blood flow and increase alertness.

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